COACH CATHLEEN - Fitness Fanatic & Custom Nutrition Whisperer

Coach Cathleen has over 27 years of fitness experience. It ranges from being a World Champion Gold Medalist and Master Instructor Swordfighter in Korea to world-traveling, mountain biker all the way back to a local gym rat. Cathleen is the epitome of active living! She breathes life into her clients who desire to learn a new outdoor skill or get their butts kicked in the gym.

Fueling the body is just as important as a part of Cathleen's wellness lifestyle. Being a foodie herself, she understands the importance of nutritional balance that has helped hundreds of people discover real food, that works with real people, in real life for real results.

Coach Cathleen understands that everybody is different and everybody is unique.  Just like your nutrition and fitness; personalized to you!

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I am the sole owner of my wellness company, C.C. Training. Fitness and nutrition isn't just my passion, it is my calling.

Tell us about a day at work you'll never forget! 

The day my client who had originally come to me with such debilitating bodily pain. She was unable to get onto the floor to do her initial strength test to coming in for a session with me only months later at 70 years old and holding a solid plank for 5 minutes. Profound and remarkable work that brought tears to my eyes knowing that her life would never be the same. And it's not.

What's your advice about growing a personal brand? 

LOVE what you do. Be so enamored with the process that you can't wait to go to work the next morning!

How would you best describe what and who you currently are?

I'm a driven female entrepreneur with a passion for the health of the human body. I deliver sustainable health results to busy professionals who want to increase energy and look sexy naked in 12 weeks or less.

What would you be doing if you weren't on your current path?

Oh my, I haven't the slightest idea what I'd be doing if I wasn't living the life I am now. I relish each day in my career. I am a single mother to 2 outstanding young boys that I am lucky enough to mother each day. The only thing I can think would be to expand this current path to greater intensity and heights!

How do you prepare for negotiation conversations? 

When I get prepared to talk money with a new "client", I continually remind myself of 2 things: who I am and what my purpose is. I've worked my entire life to offer this health solution. I am here to serve this person. I have a moral responsibility to help this individual right NOW, and if I allow them to walk away without purchasing my services I’m doing them a disservice and not fulfilling my responsibilities to them.

What one tip would you tell your younger self about negotiating? 


I forced myself to look at the amazing things I had accomplished within my field and what my clients’ results were. I got hyper-focused on being a better problem solver for my niche so my success numbers were through the roof.
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Did you ever agree to something in a negotiation you now regret doing? 

YES! In the past, I've taken less than my services are valued at. It not only impacts how I feel about my service or products but it also affected how that client appreciated and experienced their health journey. I will never ever do that again.

Who do you draw inspiration from?

Other strong women everywhere. They are literally around every corner. Just like Meggie and her profound story.

How do you define a #NaturallyDaring woman?

A fiery-spirited woman who acts in spite of fear.

Who has taught you the most about knowing your value in the workplace?

I actually owe recognition of value to one of my clients who said to me one morning, "you know coach, this may all appear easy and what you consider common sense but even the most juvenile insight that you've given me over the years has changed my life forever. Maybe it's those simple things that everyone needs." So no matter how "elementary" my fitness or nutrition information sounds to me, I still offer that up knowing that to someone else it will be of value.

Are there people instrumental to your growth and success? How did they impact you?

My clients have had the biggest impact on my personal growth and the growth of my business - both directly and indirectly. The impact of having person after person in tears about how much better their life is because of YOU is an addictive experience. Watching men and women surpass their physique and wellness expectations and thrive in a new existence brings a feeling of triumph so great. How could I not work but to expand on that?

What's the worst piece of advice you've been given and why was it so awful/useful?

Settle. Stop making waves and just be fine to settle for mediocrity. Looking back, that statement is so far of course that it's almost comical. It's not in my nature to settle, and I would hope no one else sees that in themselves. The world is too big. Life is far too short. Please live, don't survive and settle.

What has been your biggest failure and what did you take from it?

Personally, my biggest "failure" was filing for a divorce from my ex-husband. I didn't want to be a "quitter".  I didn't want to have a broken family and be tainted as flawed in the community. But after letting go of a toxic relationship that wasn't serving me, I learned that the burden of others doesn't have to be my problem. Now, if others do not add value to my life or if I feel I add nothing to their life I part ways with them and wish them well on their journey.

What's your personal quirk or point of difference that has helped you to excel in your field?

Everything I offer to my online clients is 100% custom and I think that sets me so far apart from others in my field who often treat "ideals" and theory, and have left out actually serving individual people.

How would you describe how you got to this point in your life and career?

Honestly, tenacity and being downright stubborn played a large role in me seeing through the hard times. But this last chapter in growing my business and taking it to the next level has required courage above all else.

Can you tell us about a time you’ve experienced imposter syndrome? How did you overcome this? 

For those ultra-critical women out there like myself, buckle up! Feeling like you are never good enough will absolutely cripple you and your career if you allow it. It took several years to get my business in the black and during that time I often felt like I should charge less or be more "salesy" like the other trainers in my field were. I wondered if my client list wasn't full because I wasn't good enough or didn't have more schooling or credentials.

I forced myself to look at the amazing things I had accomplished within my field and what my clients’ results were. I got hyper-focused on being a better problem solver for my niche so my success numbers were through the roof. And each time that's come creeping back in, I look at the hard factual data, the numbers don't lie. And I remind myself --often, I still tend to be a perfectionist-- that if I DON'T act now think of all the people who need me and are waiting for my help; just like the hundreds before them.

Do you have a routine or habit that you practice that allows you to do what you do?

Many! Structure in the footsteps of other leaders creates habits that help me grow every day. From how I wake to how I view my occupation to how I raise my sons. "If we are to be a slave to our habits, make them GOOD habits...." Og Mandino

What’s your favorite quote? 

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

The world is too big. Life is far too short. Please live, don’t survive and settle.

You can check out Cathleen’s awesome work here on Instagram & their website.

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