Confidence Boost: Elevating Success Through Style with Lizzie Edwards

We love to sit down with inspiring individuals to learn about their journeys, challenges, and invaluable insights. Today, we're excited to chat with Lizzie Edwards, a Style Coach, Author, and the Founder of Elevate with Style. Join us as we dive into Lizzie's world and discover how she empowers women through style.

Meggie: Hey there, Lizzie! Thanks for joining us today. Great to have you here!
To kick things off, could you share who you are with our readers and if you had to describe yourself in just one sentence, apart from being a total legend, what would it be?

Lizzie: Hey, Meggie! Of course, my name is Lizzie Edwards. I help women look and feel their best so that they can use the confidence and time they gain to amplify their success in work and life.

Meggie: Love that, Lizzie! Now, let's dive into your career. What's your job title, and how did you get where you are today?

Lizzie: I'm a Style Coach, Author, and the Founder of Elevate with Style. My journey has been quite the ride. I started as a fashion model in my twenties and later transitioned into the world of style coaching. It was during these transitions that I faced moments of imposter syndrome.

Meggie: Imposter syndrome is something many can relate to. Can you share a specific instance when you felt like an imposter in your career, and how did you overcome it?

I help women look and feel their best so that they can use the confidence and time they gain to amplify their success in work and life.
— Lizzie Edwards

Lizzie: Absolutely! Imposter syndrome is a common challenge. I've experienced it in various roles, including during my time as a fashion model. The fear that you don't belong or have the skills to succeed can be paralyzing. For me, I realized the power of personal style in boosting my confidence and helping me "dress for success." Taking care to present myself intentionally gave me the assurance to show up authentically, back myself, and not second-guess my abilities. Leveraging my image to align with how I wanted to be seen became a crucial tool to push past self-doubt and go for opportunities that were way out of my comfort zone!

Meggie: It's amazing how style and confidence are interconnected. Now, speaking of support systems, who's in your cheer squad? Tell us about the people who've been crucial in your journey.

Lizzie: My girl friends are absolutely part of my cheer squad! I've leaned a lot on friends I've made since entering the business world 18 years ago. That sisterhood of entrepreneurs is vital to me. Family, too, plays a significant role. I couldn't do what I do without my sister, who is now also my business partner.

I realized the power of personal style in boosting my confidence and helping me ‘dress for success.’ Leveraging my image to align with how I wanted to be seen became a crucial tool to push past self-doubt.
— Lizzie Edwards

Meggie: It's wonderful to have a strong support network. Shifting gears a bit, how do you prepare for negotiation conversations, whether it's for a pay raise, promotion, or a brand partnership? We'd love to hear your hacks, top tips, or any awesome advice you've received!

Lizzie: Negotiation conversations can be challenging, no doubt! Over the years, I've learned to understand my value. People aren't paying me for my time; they pay for the transformation I provide. Keeping that in mind really helps. I also steer clear of working for free. I mean, who hasn't been asked to appear on a panel because it's International Women's Day? I certainly have. I will negotiate an in-kind exchange, but like I said before, I know my worth, and I'm not afraid to acknowledge it.

Meggie: That's some valuable advice, Lizzie! Lastly, did you ever agree to something in your career that you now regret doing?

Lizzie: Yes, indeed! As I mentioned earlier, I once agreed to do some training for a large corporation during COVID-19, and what they offered to pay me was less than I would normally have accepted. I convinced myself that the exposure would make it worthwhile. It wasn't! They took so much of my time just agreeing on arrangements, and then they took months to pay. Lesson learned!

Negotiation conversations can be challenging. People aren’t paying me for my time; they pay for the transformation I provide. I know my worth, and I’m not afraid to acknowledge it.
— Lizzie Edwards

Meggie: Thank you, Lizzie, for sharing your insights and experiences with us. It's been a pleasure having you here today.

Lizzie: Thank you, Meggie, for having me. If anyone wants to connect further or explore how style can elevate their confidence and success, you can find me at '@lizziedwardsuk' on Instagram. For more details about my work, visit my website here.

Lizzie's journey emphasizes the power of confidence and style in overcoming imposter syndrome. Her unwavering support network, including her girlfriends and family, highlights the importance of surrounding oneself with allies. Lizzie's negotiation insights remind us to know our worth, and her candid career regret teaches us valuable lessons about balancing exposure and compensation.